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Tax & Income Planning Workshop


15451 N 28th Ave
Phoenix, AZ 85053 United States



June 8, 2023


6:30 pm - 8:30 pm

This course will address numerous challenges involved in taking charge of your tax planning and retirement income:
• Tax code changes
• Decisions about tax planning
• Making your money last
• Planning for your lifetime
• Allocating assets to maximize income
Required Minimum Withdrawals and Rising Tax Rates
• What are Required Minimum Distributions now?
• The “Stretch IRA” – now only 10 years!
• Tax implications in planning your legacy
• How long must your money last?
• Critical withdrawal mistakes to avoid
• What happens after 2025??
Should You Convert Your IRA to a Roth IRA?
• Traditional IRA to Roth IRA conversions
• Bumping Bracket Roth conversions
• The key role tax planning plays in retirement
income strategy
• Tax-efficient withdrawals for income
• Why the order in which you take money out of
your accounts can make a big difference.
Other Financial Tools
• Stocks, Bonds, Cash, CDs
• Simplifying your plan with account consolidation
• Annuities – the good, the bad, the ugly
• Fixed, equity-indexed, and variable annuities
• Taxes, inflation and purchasing power
• Charitable planning and the tax benefits

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