Winston Stevenson
Investment Advisor Representative / President
Winston Stevenson is an Investment Advisor Representative, president of Winston & Companies and an FAA instrument-rated pilot. He believes order and planning are necessary to deliver desired results, and he has a track record of doing just that, helping numerous clients and passengers skillfully reach their destinations through proper preparation.
A Chartered Federal Employee Benefit Consultant, Winston is uniquely trained to assist federal employees in maximizing their benefits to reach their ultimate retirement goals. That remains his goal for all clients he works with every day.
As an Investment Advisor Representative, Winston is held to a fiduciary duty of care, which means he is legally required to work in his clients’ best interests when providing investment advice. When providing insurance recommendations, at the regulatory level, Winston is held to the suitability standard, which requires that recommendations meet clients’ stated financial needs and objectives.
Winston has passed the Series 65 securities exam and holds licenses in life, accident and health insurance in Arizona and California (License #0C45881), as well as a life settlement broker license in Arizona. He has more than 30 years of experience in the insurance and annuity industry and holds a Bachelor of Arts in communications from Western Kentucky University.
Winston has been married to Millie since 1989. They have two adult children, Shane and Sarah, and enjoy spending time together as a family.